- 010 410 5350 / 086 155 7555
- info@m-d-s.co.za
Precision Engineered, Innovation Delivered
- 010 410 5350
- info@m-d-s.co.za
2-Stage Ejectors are used in situations where two ejection sequences are required, for example, to de-mould undercuts with inclined cores or to ensure that slides do not collide with ejector pins. DME’s range of two-stage eject or systems offer two types of functionality: “Bottom-Last” and “Top-Last”
BOTTOM-LAST, using FW1850 and TSBL types: 1st movement : both sets of ejector plates, 2nd movement: bottom set of ejector plates
“Top last” using FW 1800 and TSTL types: 1ste movement: both sets of ejector plates, 2nd movement: top set of ejector plates?
Furthermore, two versions of installation are available:
Central mounted using FW 1800 and FW 1850: this is the simplest installation for smaller, less complex moulds. A single unit (FW 1800 or FW 1850) is connected directly to the machine ejector rode
Off-centre mounted using TSTL and TSBL: fully contained inside the mould preventing interference and accidental tampering@Useful where the central space is not available&/Two or four units are used allowing larger mouldsE