- 010 410 5350 / 086 155 7555
- info@m-d-s.co.za
Precision Engineered, Innovation Delivered
- 010 410 5350
- info@m-d-s.co.za
Please follow the guidelines below to order your springs.
Important Note:
ISO 10243 Die Springs are the standard used across the Western world. If you are replacing springs from an existing mould that was manufactured in the east, there is a strong possibility that the springs used were JIS standard. If this is the case, then you cannot go by the colour So seinese on el sed standard is a “ight” duty
Please refer to the spec sheets for the ISO 10243 springs to find a suitable replacement spring according to the load required.
Order Code:
EG. :DS1 / Dh x Lo
NB – Order:
“DS1” for Green Springs
“DS2” for Blue Springs
“DS3” for Red Springs
“DS4” for Yellow springs