
Precision Engineered, Innovation Delivered

Helical Gear Stack Mould System

DME delivers critical expertise with mold technology, while Milacron offers high-performance injection molding machinery when the application demands it.

The combination is unbeatable.

With DME Stack Mold Systems – the choice is yours. Our systems feature complete flexibility – built around a family of product standards that simplify implementation. Only DME gives you this wide range of choices. And, because they’re from DME, you can expect reliability, advanced engineering, and outstanding performance.

Turnkey Systems Deliver a Total Solution

When you choose DME as your partner for Stack Mold Systems, you’re choosing a total solution. How big that solution is, will be your choice. We can deliver a turnkey molding system (excluding the cores and cavities) including a molding machine.

Our turnkey systems may include:

  • Mold bases
  • Hot runner systems and controllers
  • Components – including centering and actuation devices
  • System assembly
  • Injection molding machines