
Precision Engineered, Innovation Delivered


Socket Connectors (Stem Types)
Stem Type 200 Series (1/4" Hole) 300 Series (3/8" Hole) 500 Series (1/2" Hole)
Catalog Number Hose ID Largest Diameter Catalog Number Hose ID Largest Diameter Catalog Number Hose ID Largest Diameter
Straight Stem
Straight Stem
SC204 1/4 .71 SC306 3/8 .97 SC504 1/2 1.21
SC205 5/16 .71 SC308 1/2 .97 SC506 3/4 1.21
SC206 3/8 .71
90° Stem
90° Stem
SC214 1/4 .71 SC316 3/8 .97 SC514 1/2 1.21
SC215 5/16 .71 SC318 1/2 .97 SC516 3/4 1.21
SC216 3/8 .71
45° Stem
45° Stem
SC224 1/4 .71 SC326 3/8 .97 SC524 1/2 1.21
SC225 5/16 .71 SC328 1/2 .97 SC526 3/4 1.21
SC226 3/8 .71
Socket Body & Replacement Seals
Stem Type 200 Series Thread 300 Series Thread 500 Series Thread
Socket Body SC200B 1/8 SC300B 1/4 SC500B 1/2
SC200B-4 1/4 SC300B-4 3/8
Replacement Seals: Silicone (Red) SC200S SC300S SC500S
Replacement Seals: Viton (Black) SC200S-V SC300S-V SC500S-V
Alternative configurations and materials available:
  • For Baffles with brass blades and stainless steel pipe plugs, add an “-SS” to the end of the catalog number and contact Customer Service for pricing. Ex. SB25L5-BSP-SS or TB75L12-BSP-SS
  • Baffles can be ordered cut to any length, in an quantity. To order, specify the prefix and plug size and the required length. For Turbo Baffles, the closest straight length (S) is used, but can be provided to a different length, upon request.
    Ex. SB25L6.25-BSP or TB37L5.75-BSP-SS (with a 2″ “S” dimension)
  • Straight Baffle Material is available on page E-1.